In Wiggles lead a clan of the dwarves down into the depth, set up galleries and dismantle ores. All this on the search for the dog of your God Odin who has escaped from his master and to the underworld. So that you don't capitulate to this epic, task one of Tutorial expects you, at which you are made by a cheeky fairy in detail familiarly with the interface and the game functions. Already here you can see a lot of detail and how much joy is in Wiggles, because these first game steps are mixed with numerous funny inter-sequences: Whether smoking dwarves, an arguing married couple or the permanent digs between fairy and dwarf, the risoriuses become used already within the first minutes!

Minimum Specifications:
Pentium II 350
128 MB RAM
Direct 3D
Recommended Specifications:
Pentium II 500
256 MB RAM
Direct 3D